
In this tutorial you will learn how to connect different Robo Wunderkind blocks to the Main Block.
1. Add-On vs. Cube-Like Blocks2. Universal Connectors3. Wired connector4. Connector Block5. Brick Adapters6. Big & Small Wheels7. Removal Tool8. Controlling & Programming the Connected Blocks
To complete this tutorial you will need:


Add-On vs. Cube-Like Blocks

Add-on blocks can be added to the Main Block or other blocks without a connector in between. Just simply place the add-on blocks on top of the Main Block and press firmly. You will hear an audio notification every time a new block is successfully attached and recognized by the Main Block.

The Cube-Like Blocks need to be connected with the help of Universal or Wired Connectors. The next step will show you how to do it correctly.


Universal Connectors

The Universal Connectors have Pogo-Pins on them that provide power and data connection between the blocks. This is why they have to be attached correctly in order to work.

Snap the Connector to one side of the Main Block.

Make sure the Connector is attached parallel to the edges of the block.

Attach another block with this Connector.

You will hear an audio notification every time a new block is successfully attached and recognized by the Main Block.


PLEASE NOTE: The rotating part of the Smart Motor doesn’t have contacts on it that means the power and data won’t flow through it. Make sure you connect the Smart Motor attaching the Connector to the connection face.


Removal Tool

Use one of the provided Removal Tools to disconnect the Universal Connectors.


Wired connector

Use the Wired Connector to provide a flexible connection between the blocks:  link some separated blocks or simply connect around the rotating part as mentioned above.


Connector Block

Use the Connector Block to connect even more different blocks together.


PLEASE NOTE: The Connector Block doesn’t have the hardware inside and is not recognized as a block by the Main Block, so you won’t hear a specific sound when it’s connected. But all the blocks connected to the Connector Block will be recognized by the Main Block.


Brick Adapters

Use the brick adapters to upgrade your Robo and make more creative designs. You can also attach the bricks to the holes in the blocks.


Big & Small Wheels

Big and Small wheels can be attached without any Connectors.


Controlling & Programming the Connected Blocks

Once the Blocks are connected and recognized by the Main Block, the corresponding Controls, Actions or Code Blocks in the Robo App appears.
Read more about how to control your robot in real-time with Robo Live
Read more about how to program your robot in Robo Code
Read more about how to program your robot in Robo Blockly